Sunday, December 2, 2007

Leg Problems

Due to work commitments and I went to a High School Wrestling Tournament yesterday to watch a couple of athletes that I trained this past fall I was unable to get in any training over the past few days.
Most of my real training will start right after New Year’s. At this point it hardly feels like I ever stopped. I was very actictive on the bike, August through the second week of November as the weather was really good and the fact that my car engine (2001 Chrysler Concorde) has been recalled. So those of you those have a Chrysler Concorde that was made between 2000-2004 watch out. I spent the past few months biking into work six days a week, 10 miles each way with only one day of rest per week. Furthermore, I continued to run about 10 miles a week. I was stubborn and refused to take the train and paid the price.
I have been getting massages over the past few weeks and I have seen improvement. At first the slightest pressure to my muscles in my legs made me scream out. I mean they really hurt and were super tight. My massage therapist said that the muscles felt like ropes that were over lapped and were almost fussed together due to the fact that I did not allow for rest. She has gotten in and under the muscles to remove the waste product. Thanks to her treatments my legs are on the road to recovery. The only problem areas I still have are my IT Bands and some tissues around the knees that are still sore to the touch.
Well till next time train hard.